Thursday, April 19, 2007

New and Improved not so New and Improved

Brands seem to feel compelled to revel in their Newness and Improvedness. Why, exactly, I'm not sure. Non-loyalists won't care and loyalists will notice the change. No need for explicit statements.

In fact, I'm pretty sure that explicit labeling (such as exhibit A) devalue the brand. Especially on a Guinness container. Who cares that the look has changed? Shouldn't we notice the change and exclaim with tears of joy streaming down our face, "Look! They have a new look!"

It's almost akin to prefacing a joke by saying "this is really funny, you're going to love it."

In sum, new looks should not include stamps that say 'new look.'

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Shootin' guns and stuff

Any time is a good time to give unlicensed, barely legal kids guns to play for a few hours in an enclosed space. I'm pretty sure that was this places' tag line, or I read it on a shirt somewhere in there.

This place was crazy. No experience. No background che
cks. All we needed were heads and valid I.D. and we were given a 2 second instructional course on how to use a handgun, then set free in the confines of the "range" - a freezing basement with all sort of people shooting guns at paper targets.

And I'm by no means being racist when I say
that the large black man firing off rounds on a machine gun like it wasn't his first time made me a tad nervous.

It's all in a days fun in Southside Richmond.

Standing is Hard. Especially with Clara feet.

Kickin it with Clara 3

Beautiful spring days lend themselves to pictures of nieces

Take it off part 2

Clara Takes Off The Hat