Another instance of annoyance happened yesterday. And I don't think it was annoyance so much as it was humor. When opening an email from my dad, I happened to catch a glimpse of the lower, right hand side links. To my amusement, Google had successfully "key-worded" my dad's signature at the end of his email, "Daddy" (upper left corner), and turned it into 4 or 5 links to wanna-be, thug-life, gangsta rappers (lower right corner).
Thanks, Google. That's just what I'm looking for when conversing with my 56 year old father. A rapper.

funny. check out my most recent post on
you will appreciate it. PS.. I'll draw you a picture if you get me a job at richard's group. hehe
Yea, you better draw me. I'll work on that job thing. First, let me get one.
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