Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Google key words and my Daddy.

Is anyone else annoyed that Google peruses your emails and then posts "relevant" links up and down and side to side on the remaining space of your screen? Sometimes, it's ok. But other times (like when I type an address in my email and it says "find out who lives at 1313 E. Main Street") it's just annoying.

Another instance of annoyance happened yesterday. And I don't think it was annoyance so much as it was humor. When opening an email from my dad, I happened to catch a glimpse of the lower, right hand side links. To my amusement, Google had successfully "key-worded" my dad's signature at the end of his email, "Daddy" (upper left corner), and turned it into 4 or 5 links to wanna-be, thug-life, gangsta rappers (lower right corner).

Thanks, Google. That's just what I'm looking for when conversing with my 56 year old father. A rapper.


Anonymous said...

funny. check out my most recent post on www.advertarts.blogspot.com

you will appreciate it. PS.. I'll draw you a picture if you get me a job at richard's group. hehe

ME said...

Yea, you better draw me. I'll work on that job thing. First, let me get one.