Wednesday, August 01, 2007


I spent a good hour today trying to relocate one of the 7-11s that had been made to look like a Kwik-E-Mart. A friend from Richards had taken me there back in June and I had forgotten where it was exactly.

It was pretty cool that one of the 11 stores that had be re-designed was here in Dallas. But since 7-11 is HQed in Dallas (as well as Tracey Locke who was behind all the buzz), I guess it makes sense.

But when I pulled into the parking lot, I was greeted by an ordinary 7-11. It must have been "for a limited time only / until the movie premiered last weekend". Damn the fine print.

My only consolation was a giant, blown-up Squishee on top of the gas station canopy. Should they have continued the promotion even after the movie launch? Or is it the fleeting nature that makes it so exciting and worthwhile?

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