Looking for the bathroom in Nordstrom's? Well, look no further than the "Women's Lounge" - the new, hip form of bathrooms that includes a carpeted area with furniture stolen from my grandmother's living room.
I love a good bathroom. In fact, if you have a great bathroom, chances are I'll like whatever establishment is attached to it (restaurant, bar, clothing store). But "Women's Lounge" just sounds dirty. They might as well name it the "Ladies Lounge."
***I also enjoy the baby bottle graphic in the sign, and its overall art direction.
****Can AdCenter please host a contest: "Redesign the handicap sign" ?
We were having a group discussion about this very thing last week. In the creative area of Y&R we have a little circular room called "Mother's Room." I never realized it was there so mother's could nurse their babies when they bring them to work. Apparently, Nordstroms is all about nursing, too.
Ew - gross. I do not want to see any teats in Nordstroms. Let alone at work.
As a male of the 21st century, I am saddened by the fact that my female contemporaries are always pictured wearing dresses on bathroom signs. This is an old stereotype that I wish would go away. I have seen plenty of women wearing pants in the kitchen under their aprons.
I'm pretty angered by the fact that this sign leaves out the other womanly essentials (ergo - pots, pans, and egg timers).
What do they think we are? Baby-makers, only?
P.S. the women's room in nordstroms has always been called the women's lounge (for as long as I can remember it)...it is isn't new and hip it is just nordstroms
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