Friday, October 26, 2007

Faster than a speeding line of legal.

I always thought that the ultra-fast reading of legal copy in advertising was because advertisers didn't want you to hear how horrible the featured deal really was. In actuality, advertisers just hate legal copy. So they make it go fast.

At times, it can take up nearly :20 seconds of a :30 second radio spot. Leaving but :10 to create some sort of mini-sit-com scenario to sell a product. But, really - what can you do with :10 seconds to sell a product with no visual aid?

So in order to provide more time for some sort of comic relief and/or advertising of any sort, the legal that should take :20 seconds (at a normal pace) is condensed into a :12 second read. Way too fast for any normal human being to truly comprehend, so why then must we have legal at all?

See store for details.

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