Tuesday, October 02, 2007

John Lennon's Piano

So, two posts ago I wrote about how John Lennon's Imagine piano has taken up residence in a mall. The post was prompted because I just happened to find the piano one day while looking for some new possessions to collect at the Dallas NorthPark mall and found it a little too ironic.

Mr. Treston later informed me that just a few months ago in May, the piano was on display at my alma mater, Virginia Tech. And after a little research, I found that this piano is taking a tour across the US to places where land-mark tragedies have occurred. Virginia Tech being the freshest on the list. All to promote peace.

So why then is this piano hanging out in front of a movie theater that's running
Super Bad and Resident Evil?

It's on a 4 month break. The tour will resume Dec. 1st.

While I find it sad that its current resting grounds are the antitheses of its symbolic meaning, I do think that the tour's concept is a pretty good one. I wish they would have mentioned something about it in the plaque on the piano's current casing (in my previous post).

Check it out.

John Lennon's piano in front of Burrus Hall, Virginia Tech
May 26, 2007

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.