Well that's what David and Jean of Dallas, TX are getting. Or so it says on the giant tag under the giant ribbon. Right around the corner from my apartment is a 2.5 mile stretch of mansions and historic homes. And someone is getting one for Christmas.
It's called Swiss Avenue and it's got some of the oldest Texas money trapped up in it. This is one of the more moderate homes on the block. There are several in the $780k range. I'd imagine this one falls into that category. (The barrios around the corner can't be helping property value.)
I just thought this was a funny example of life imitating advertising. I mean, really. Who actually buys those gigantic bows and throws them on puppies, cars, and ...houses? And where do you even go to get a house-sized bow?
All I want for Christmas is an iPod Touch. No bows.
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