Wednesday, November 28, 2007

The Creative Pro-Cess meets Viral meets Natural Selection

This video surfaced a year or so ago and I stumbled upon it once again while looking at some interesting "first dances" from weddings (more on that later). This is a very simple guy, completely unrelated to advertising who had a great, big idea. And it went viral.

Ahh, viral. The most cryptic and coveted of advertising beasts. There doesn't appear to be a science to it. And if there is, no one has quite figured it out yet. And maybe it's better that way.

It's almost like natural selection. The People at long last have the right to filter the good from the bad and make an active decision to share it with their friends. It's a seal of approval from the ultimate judging panel: your consumer.

Every viral seems to be unique - probably a contributing factor to its viralness. And the reason each idea goes viral is just as unique as the idea itself. If I had to name the reason this one went viral, it'd be connection. It connects with people. People lived through these ridiculous dances and they can empathize with Judson.

And if they didn't live through them, they at least know them. They made a big enough impact on pop-culture that many more people know the moves than just those who were there at the time. (And like magic, 22 million views turns into 66 million only a year and a half later.)

Here's the Evolution of Dance by Judson Laipply and an interview explaining how he imagined the whole thing. Seems pretty simple. But then again, most big ideas are.

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