I sure didn't need this to remind me.
It was a lot like this Jetta spot. And by a lot, I mean exactly.
We were having an ordinary conversation. On our way into work Friday morning. And out of no where, there's a Honda mini-van in front of us.
The only difference is the Honda mini-van wasn't backing out at about 5mph. It was busy blowing through a stop sign at about 40mph. There was no time for breaks. And we ended up on the opposite side of the road.
Here's how ours happened with a rudimentary sketch. It's hard to explain in words. Blue car = our Jetta. Red car = Honda mini-van.
Are you guys all right?
Yea, we're fine. Just a couple of bruises and sore necks. Phew. Thanks for asking.
The other guy was fine too.
Glad to hear you are all right. But start milking that sore neck. It'll be your meal ticket to fortune. ;-)
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