Take this one for example. There's no real benefit being extolled. It's sheer humor that drives the engine of this spot.
I mean, an ad is pretty great when it can tout the benefits of the product and be entertaining. But does it always have to be that way? No, I don't think so.
Think back to your middle school days. Remember those popular kids? Did any one of them ever offer you some sort of benefit? Probably not. In most cases, they probably made you feel worse off than you actually were. Yet some how, they remained "popular", the envy of the group.
So when do you have to proclaim a benefit and when can you just play by the rules of social behavior and rise to the top through popularity? Cool kids are funny, they have parties, and sometimes they bring Terry Tate to work.
I miss you.
Me too.
Going to come check out the new digs? You don't even need to find a place to say as there are showers, couches, kitchens, tv's and whatever else life entails.
Please come.
Those are the best comments I've gotten on this p.o.s.
I miss us too.
I'll at least come back for graduation if not sooner. Make Boyko have it on Memorial Day weekend or some other holiday.
I think I've already requested off way too much time.
I left without saying happy holidays. So, you and Vijay have a great tme. From the 26th on, at least.
See you in 2008.
Way to drop the ball on the blog over the holidays. Come on, where're the pictures of the niece?
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