Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Yet more proof

that advertisers, corporate America, and their lawyers think the general public is a collective mass of blathering idiots.

Yea, that's right. The fine print? DON'T EAT A F********* FIVE DOLLAR BILL.

Oh, and as a side note, peanuts are processed on machines that may have come in contact with peanuts.

I'm just sayin'.


Anonymous said...

I like the line "With more meat than similar Five Dollar Footlongs at Subway."

Five. Five dollar. Five dollar footlooooooooooongs.

It's addictive.

ME said...

It is.

Did you know that they have the song (a mixed/party version) on their site for download?

I listen to it every day.

It's ca-ca-ca-ca-cathing ooooonn.

ME said...

* that would be "catching" not "cathing"

damn it. i blew it.