Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Being a person is a full time job

I was thinking of hiring a personal assistant. Then I realized I didn't have the money to. Then I realized why I didn't have the money to.

First, there's the rent payment. Then the car payment.

After that there's the credit card bill, the electric bill, the water bill, the cable bill.

Oh. And do I need to mention gas?

Plus there's insurance for the car, for the home, for the me. And I'm sure I'm leaving some stuff off.

All of these have real-time deadlines. It's like work just to live.

So I need somebody else to live my life so I can live my life.

Any takers?


Leo said...

Well, just in time:

ME said...

I'm in the Denver International Airport and I noticed the book the woman behind me is reading at this cafe. What is it? "The Four Hour Work Week". Then I linked to your post.


Bukes said...

Ah man, Daner. I feel ya. Being a grown-up sucks.