And this guy just confirmed why:

It reminds me of a story my sister-in-law recalled about a conversation she once had with her aging, southern grandmother. In this conversation her grandmother stated that traveling by air was merely a fad, sure to pass within decent time. Essentially, she presumed that train travel would pick up again and that the Atlantic would be traversed solely by ship - since, clearly, flying was on its way out.
Mr. Murdoch's assumption doesn't fall far from this tree. In fact, I think might even be still attached at the limb.
Have you seen MySpace lately? Have you taken a good look at it? Done a side-by-side comparison, perhaps?
MySpace reminds me of a website I might have had when I was in middle school - in every sense of the world. It behaves like the immature little brother of Facebook. With it's spastic, ADD layout and it's graphics from '96, MySpace is trapped in an era of thinking it's cool
And even though I've been prompted over a dozen times to "register/sign-up to view XXXX's profile", I haven't. Just like jumping out of a plane without a shoot, I've never been compelled.
So while Facebook may just be a fad, I'm happy to ride it out. I don't care if it's just a "directory" either. Facebook works 100% better for me as a directory than MySpace ever could as a...well, whatever MySpace is.
I do feel compelled to hate MySpace based solely on Rupert's picture. And his name. Rupert? Please.
Post Script.
Maybe there cold be a hybrid called FaceSpace. or MyFace. And Apple can come out with a laptop called MyBook.
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