This spot appeared live on TVs across the UK last week on May 29th at 8:10pm. It looks to be sponsored by a news program so there's some initial set-up involved. It wasn't just sandwiched in between an ad for Charmin and one for Metamucil.
The reviews on AdCritic aren't that encouraging although the spot stands as one of the Top 20 on the site. They said it was boring and self-serving. And, yet again, I disagree.
While it did seem slow in the beginning, it felt like it was intended to build the suspense. I mean, I'm just waiting and waiting for them to jump. And I want to see what it is they're going to do to illustrate "Difficult is worth doing."
And maybe I was looking for it because I'm in advertising. But perhaps instead, the reviewers on AdCritic were the ones analyzing the ad as people in advertising instead of just people.
People who think different is cool.
And while being different doesn't necessarily sell cars, it isn't exactly a quantum leap to draw the connection they're trying to make between ad and brand.
One AdCritic reviewer asked "Where's the consumer in this?" I found the answer in another comment section, here.

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