Thursday, August 14, 2008

Yearbook Yourself

I'm not sure the details surrounding this microsite (shudder - "microsite" - ugh), but it seems a few malls of significance throughout the country have hopped onto this idea of "fashion through the years."

1. Upload a picture of yourself (the dumber, the better)
2. Work your mug into one of several previously formatted headshots from yearbooks.
3. Laugh
4. Hopefully click on one of the various brand links within the page.

It provides me entertainment and a means by which to waste a few minutes. It's not overly branded. And I think it makes sense.

I like it.


Dave said...

You know what that last picture is saying? TEXAS.

ME said...

That one was for you, Dave.

Come hang out.

Bukes said...

This scares me.