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A pushy hand has made its debut in advertising. I'm not sure which agency Office Depot has hired (and will soon fire) to create these halloween-esque ads. See the Original. See Jay Leno's Version.
The last time a severed hand jumped unexpectedly out of a box and waved me to Office Depot, I proceeded to vomit all over the place, much like I'd enjoy vomiting on these ads.
I'm not sure which is worse - the hand or the theme song. The sad thing is, someone(s) was(were) paid money to sing that crap. I wonder if they put that glamorously repetitious piece of wizardry in their portfolios. Do theme-song-singers have portfolios? They must have a reel...
...I digress.
Andy L. posted this on another site -
"My problem with the hand is that I keep expecting it to grab someone inappropriately. Also; it is very pushy; it points at things three times when once would be just fine, thank you."
No truer words have been spoken Andy.
Here's a hand that should be in your new ads...along with an apology:

This astute can of Planters recognized the need to warn its consumers of the fact that its contents held nuts (of all things), and may have been processed on equipment that may have been in contact with nuts (of all things). Thank God for lobbying groups.
Those with allergic reactions to peanuts, be warned. Peanuts are manufactured on equipment that processes peanuts.*the actual verbiage: "allergy information: manufactured on equipment that processes peanuts and other tree nuts."
UPDATE: For those of you who don't know, I'm trying to switch the url of this site. It just ain't cool to use
In trying to develop a catchy-easy-to-remember-not-vague-means-something blog name, I entered "" I thought it matched my "Always Open" theme.
Unfortunately, someone thought it matched their theme as well and already snatched it up. Curious to find out which swift blogger was as smart as me, I landed on this beauty.
Sheeat son. At least it was entertaining.
I’d like to take a brief moment to thank Budweiser for its recent lapse in judgment in advertising their blue-collar brand. Yes, they have indeed turned over the reigns of the Budweiser carriage to former/current/retired rapper Jay-Z. Guess the Clydesdales can only pull a certain load.
The thing is, Budweiser didn’t do a 180, they did a 360x5. I don’t even recognize
them anymore. In an effort to appeal to a primarily black audience (something not yet attempted by any American-based beer – kudos for the thought) Budweiser has become the annoying white guy who wishes he were black and thinks a do-rag will confuse everyone. Nice try, but it didn’t do the trick.
Point is – I’m confused Budweiser. Are you my buddy from the mid-west who drives a Ford, wears Wal-Mart jeans, and smokes Marlboros? Or are you the gangsta from Brooklyn who drives an Escalade, wears Seven jeans, and smokes cannabis? I don’t know, nor do I care.
While I do think it’d have done you well to stick with the Clydesdales, my loyalty lies not with the Red and the White. My stock is firmly invested in the always rich, never filling hops and barleys found in the Blue and Gold. Yes. Miller. Lite. (it doesn’t even matter that they can’t spell.)
Thank you oh Gods of weather for donning us this day of 75 degrees. It was luscious. Though the trees were bare, the sky was filled with blue + sun. 
Somehow I was able to convince The Boy to leave the TV only minutes before his beloved NFL playoff (Colts v. Cheifs) to take in the fresh air.
Resistant though he was to enjoy the recently illusive sun, we finally made it out around 4p. 25 joyous minutes later, we were rushed back to the cave that is our apartment to partake in pigskin festivities.
Oh well. I tried.