Friday, September 28, 2007

Handcuffed by media buys.

And maybe I like it.

I'm not sure how the rest of the world plays, but here in the USandA, we get our pick: :30 or :60. (Unless you're super lucky and land a :15) But maybe I like it that way. You have to be super smart and super quick with your wit. And I think that's a good thing.

Take this ad for instance. It's pretty entertaining, but I could think of about 8 ways to make it a :30 and about 15 ways to make it a :60. And I think it would be a better spot because of it. Not due to my amazingness, but due to simple editing that a chimpanzee could manage. How about you? Could you make it a :15?

Speaking of :15s, here's one that's pretty awesome. Subtle and quick. Nothing overtly stated like "When you drive a Chrysler, you want people to know it." You just figure it out. Nice.

found at advertising for peanuts

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