Wednesday, November 07, 2007

In case you were wondering...

Because I was.

Ever seen that freaky, animated Dentyne Ice commercial? Well, if not, here it is:

While the spot didn't really blow my mind, the music kinda sorta got a hold of me. After a tid bit of research, I found out it's a great band from the UK (as all great bands are - kidding) They're called Ben's Brother. And the song? "Stuttering."

I highly recommend legal ownership of the song and a visit to their site. Goes to show the weight music selection can play when creating a spot.

*And back to PR/advertising/and what not: Ben's Brother has a great promotion on their site to launch their new album "Carry On." You can win a song written for you, about you, by them. Just submit your story of how you got through a rough spot in your life and you're entered.

And here's a slightly better version of the song than the commercial above:

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