Monday, December 03, 2007

As it relates to advertising

So...I made reference to how these wedding dances apply to advertising. And here's how I think it works.

The first dance shown below is stunning in its own right. It's immaculately choreographed. It gets ooohs and aaaaahhs from the crowd. And at first glance, it seems to be quite original and eye-catching.

Then comes "first dance" #2. It feeds on the element of surprise. Shock-value, if you will. I find it 10x more entertaining than #1. But I also wonder if it's pushing it a little bit too far. This is a wedding, after all. Not Girls Gone Wild - Wedding Edition.

But in the end, I appreciate dance #2 more. It provides me unexpected entertainment when I'm ordinarily prepared to be bored out of my mind.

And there it is. Entertainment. To quote a blog that recently quoted a man "“People don’t read ads—they read what interests them, and sometimes it is an ad.”
-Howard Gossage"

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