Monday, December 03, 2007

Something old, Something new...

Weddings are pretty old. So is "the first dance." Unfortunately, they're typically as boring as income tax returns are to kids (or to most normal human adults.)

So in recent years, to spice things up a bit, couples have been taking dance lessons prior to the big day in order to choreograph moves to blow their onlookers away. You've probably seen one or two in your day. But an even newer trend is emerging these days. And I think both have their applications to advertising. I won't say what those are just yet. First watch them.

The first video is a fancy choreographed first dance. The second is of the new trend. You don't have to watch the whole thing, but watch them in order. It'll most probably influence the way you feel about both.

Something old.

Something new.

Now, which is better?

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