Sunday, January 27, 2008

Rubik's Cube Art

There's something about the Rubik's cube. Maybe it's the symmetry of it all. Or the bright, basic colors. Whatever it is, I've come to appreciated it for some reason these past few weeks.

I had one growing up but never really learned to solve it. I could usually get a side or two before it infuriated me and I moved on to something else. Who knows what happened to that cube. But just before Christmas a few weeks ago I got a brand new shiny one.

I was at a Walgreens in Plano buying a star for my Christmas tree when it caught my eye. It was hanging by the register - one of those last-ditch attempts to get you to buy something on your way out.
I was feeling nostalgic so I grabbed it and added it to my tab. This time, I was bent on learning how to solve it.

I knew there were formulas to get cubes to move around the way you wanted them to, so I checked the ever-so-handy resource, YouTube and found this. (And a bunch of links to 3 year olds solving the cube in about 30 seconds - made me feel good.)

A few days later, I got it. It's a great time pass and makes you look smart in front of those who can't solve it. Which is dumb because really, anyone can solve it.

I began wishing I had hundreds of them so they could be stacked side by side and made into an image or some sort of art installation. So I used the other-ever-so-handy resource, Google and found this.

And I'm sure there's hundreds like it. So many interesting things can be done with this cube. For me, it was interesting even before I knew how to solve it.

It has a certain intrigue I don't know how to define. And it seems to have created a whole culture that's just as unique.

(And all this without any advertising of note, and THIS is their website. Man. Good thing they have a good product.)

Though it did appear in this Flash on their home page. This guy must work in advertising.

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