Well, for one, like most things to do with advertising, the peripherals hardly matter. Not your masters degree, not your undergrad GPA, not the color shoes you wear on Wednesdays.
What matters is the work.
And there's lots of it here in Dallas.
You know Bridgestone? Nationwide? Chic-fil-A? Fruit of the Loom? Patron? SubZero? GameStop? Discovery Channel?
Their ads are done by various agencies in Dallas, Dallas, Dallas, Dallas, Dallas, Dallas, Dallas, and Dallas. Respectively.

But at the same time, it's got tall, tall buildings clustered together to form a city, nightlife, stores suited for NYC, and, yes - Dallas even has a mass transit system.
And while you might find some of these,

You'll also find a lot of these:

As a side note, I felt it important to share with you this image I came across when googling "cowboy boots." Why? I just don't know.

brand pusher.
I'm totally with you.
Is the wedding in Dallas? I'm gonna tease my hair and wear pink rhinestone boots.
hayl. no.
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