Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Back and Interactive.

After a long and much needed break from life, I've returned. And waiting for me was a new job with interactive agency, Click Here in Dallas. And so, the learning has begun.

There are vendors out there who actually spend their 9-5 coming up with interesting, stimulatingly clever "page-loading" concepts.
Yes. The 15-30 seconds you wait for a page to load was brought to you by somebody's work day.

There's a pre-loader museum curated by Space Ship. It's called Pretty Loaded. If you go to their site, a random montage of different concepts streams.

I never thought I'd enjoy spending more than a nanosecond waiting for something to load. And here, there's no promise of anything ever actually loading.


Anonymous said...

SO, you've moved on to "Click Here".. nice. how are you liking it?

Hey remember splash power?!!



ME said...

Yes! Splash Power was aaaammmmaaazing. Still waiting for it to make a debut.

CH is great. Lovin' it.